SKOR Archive

Archive SKOR | Foundation for Art and Public Domain
The archive contains information on approximately 1.000 art projects in the public space, co-realized and supported by Praktijkbureau Beeldende Kunst (PBK), SKOR and the government. The library of SKOR contained 4.000 titles on art and public space. These have been added to the library of the Gerrit Rietveld Academie.

Due to the ending of SKOR, the Gerrit Rietveld Academie took the library and the archive over in December 2012. At the moment the SKOR archive is being transferred to the RKD. It is still possible to visit the SKOR Archive at the Gerrit Rietveld Academie, but an appointment has to be made in advance.

Archival research | Paul Kempers 

Currently, art historian Paul Kempers has started his research into the history of SKOR/Praktijkbureau voor Beeldende Vormgeving. By accessing the SKOR archive, Kempers has reviewed over 50 projects that have been executed by or in collaboration with SKOR/PBK. By exploring the origin of the art projects and shedding light on the multifaceted (hi)stories, Kempers aims to highlight the extensive background of the organisation and aspires to collect his findings in a forthcoming publication.

Digital Helpdesk Art & Public Space
LAPS, research institute for art & public space offers via among others information on standard procedures, maintenance of existing projects and names and profiles of mediators from spring 2014. The goal of the digital helpdesk is to provide concrete information on all that goes on in the field of public space, but also wishes to facilitate the development of thoughts and new ideas through the network of all its participants. The digital helpdesk is partly open source: this means that information can be retrieved as well as supplied.

Presentation Digital Helpdesk Art & Public Space. Video and music by Claudine Arendt.

If you cannot find an answer to your question at the digital helpdesk, please send an email to