Martine Neddam
Martine Neddam is specialized in online artistic creation. She is developing new software, an online editor, which can mix digital content, such as texts, pictures, sounds, movements, and animation effects. The aim is to experiment with and discover new forms of writing and creativity inside a browser. She has reached the stage whereby a prototype exists, partly sponsored by a research grant of a prestigious German institution for digital art, ZKM in Karlsruhe. Her prototype and an art piece she produced with it are displayed online in a programme called Art On Your Screen. Her next step is to create a content management system in order to share this software. The Dutch Creative Industries Fund is sponsoring this effort.
Neddam’s teaching practice requires very broad knowledge in all kinds of artistic approaches, styles and possibilities. She doesn’t want students to be limited by the art she likes, knows or the art she practices. Her research offers her the luxury to be hyper-specialized in one domain. So this is how her research is related to her practice: it gives Neddam the possibility of an individual commitment, whilst her teaching practice excludes it.
An editing software and the opportunity to share it and others using it are the concrete results of Neddam’s research. LAPS is enabling her to organize a one-day symposium, which will help to get the attention of researchers working in similar fields, and contribute to the dissemination of the results of her research.