
Fast Images, High Speed and Public Space

A Symposium on the Changes of Travelling


On October 8 and 9, 2004, the two-day symposium Fast Images: High Speed and Public Space took place in Amsterdam. Various speakers from The Netherlands and other countries gave lectures and presentations on the perception of landscape from high-speed trains, the new map of Europe, travelling in time and the station as place. A selection of what happened those two days: architect Tom Frantzen argued for a new model for the station; Constance Fleuriot, a researcher at Bristol University, illustrated the influence of new mobile technologies on geographic perception; Victor Burgin, artist and professor at Goldsmiths College of Art in London, gave an account of travel by train and how that has been visualised in art and film; Kai Vöckler, from the Bauhaus in Dessau, presented the Transit Räume project, which focuses on the fast-changing urban planning situation in Central and Eastern Europe.

Organization: Atelier HSL together with the Lectoraat Art & Public Space.