Denken in kunst

Theorie en reflectie in het kunstonderwijs

Henk Borgdorff en Peter Sonderen


In Denken in kunst eleven art lecturers from the Dutch art education question how theory and reflection function in comparison to the practice of art. What role does theory and reflection play in the contemporary discourse in which research is growing more important? In this volume eleven experts of researching art,and representatives of different disciplines in the arts, give answers to startup the conversation on the state and future of art education. That is why Denken in kunst is the beginning of the debate that is current in Dutch art education.

Read the following text from Denken in kunst here:
“The Search of Non-Existent Rules” by Jeroen Boomgaard

Henk Borgdorff en Peter Sonderen (eds.), Denken in kunst. Theorie en reflectie in het kunstonderwijs, Leiden Publications, ISBN 978-90-8728-140-3