
The Knight’s Move: Rowan Moore

Lecture 'Eternity is Overrated'


What is the relationship between architecture and eroticism, between power and money? What if architecture is lead by the human aspects of life and existing locations, instead of being driven by marketing strategies and architectural heroism? This is exactly what the English architecture critic Rowan Moore is researching in his recent book Why We Build. For those who have learned that the best architecture is ‘timeless’ be prepared for a lecture in which Moore states that the eternity value of architecture is heavily overrated.

Thursday 12 December 2013, 20:00
Location: Stroom Den Haag, Hogewal 1-9, Den Haag
Reservation necessary: www.stroom.nl, 070-3658985, info@stroom.nl
Entrance fee: € 5,-
Language: English

Rowan Moore has been educated as an architect at Cambridge University, but afterwards went into journalism. He was editor for the architecture magazine Blueprint and has written articles for The Evening Star and The Guardian. In 2002 he succeeded Lucy Musgrave as director of the Architecture Foundation. From 2008 onward he has devoted himself completely to research and journalism.

The Knight’s Move
Stroom Den Haag yearly organizes a couple of leading lectures called The Knight’s Move with international speakers that distinguish themselves with unusual, clarifying and inspiring visions on the city, urbanity and the public domain. Like the knight that moves on the chess board jumping over bishops, kings and rooks, Stroom wants to give the conversation on the city a new impulse.

The speakers in season 2014 are:
Jean-Louis Cohen – 23 January 2014
Edward Skidelsky – 20 February 2014

The Knight’s Move is made possible by the Creative Industries Fund NL and the Haagse Bluf Fonds.